
10 Benefits Of Cannabis Essential Oil

Cannabis Essential Oil

10 Benefits Of Cannabis Essential Oil

Cannabis is a plant that has very varied uses, as some only consume it for recreational purposes. In contrast, others take advantage of the multiple properties of this plant to directly or indirectly treat their disorders or diseases. One of the most used systems when consuming medical marijuana is cannabis oil, which includes all the properties of the plant, but its use is simpler than any other extraction. To better understand this type of extraction, we bring you 10 benefits of cannabis essential oil, in which we will explain the best ways to use it and the advantages we can obtain from it.


1.- Extremely relaxing:

Those who suffer from stress and anxiety attacks can take advantage of the properties of cannabis to lead a more calm and smooth life. They can use it daily on their meals or apply a few drops directly under the tongue, taking advantage of its effects without smoking the plant.


2.- Fight insomnia:

As we mentioned before, it is extremely effective when we relax, something that comes in handy to fall asleep. Its effects are remarkable both on the body and the brain, and the consumer will notice that it is increasingly difficult to keep their eyes open because all they want to do is close them and let go.


3.- Cardiovascular Health:

Cannabis oil has a higher presence of essential fatty acids than the oil extracted from any other plant, in addition to being presented in a perfect proportion to facilitate its assimilation into our body. These fatty acids, known as Omega-3 and Omega-6, are responsible for performing various tasks related to cardiovascular health, such as improving the flow of the circulatory system, releasing the obstruction of veins and arteries, or protecting the cardiovascular system generally.


4.- Fight cancer:

One of the main examples that have been used in the campaign for the legalization of Cannabis Essential Oil is its effectiveness against the symptoms caused by chemotherapy (dizziness, nausea, loss of appetite, etc.), against which this plant is particularly effective. Recently, it has been discovered that it fights the symptoms of chemo and that THC is capable of slowing the growth and even shrinking tumors, so when used correctly, it could be used to fight tumor cancers.


5.- Stop the evolution of glaucoma:

Anyone who has ever tried cannabis at some point in their life knows that red eyes are typical, which we now know we can use to combat this disease, responsible for the blindness of 80% of the current blind population. This disease consists of that due to high pressure in the eye, the ocular nerve is damaged, which causes loss of vision and blindness in the worst cases. THC has the ability to lower eye pressure, which prevents further damage to the ocular nerve.


6.- Appetite stimulator:

One of the most used therapeutically effects of cannabis is its ability to stimulate hunger, as it is spectacularly effective against eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia. For other cases in which the consumer’s hunger disappears completely, such as in a cancer patient who undergoes chemotherapy, reducing his nausea and vomiting. Consumed in oil, we can apply a few drops directly to our tongue, about 30 minutes before each meal, allowing THC to take effect and stimulate hunger in its consumer.


7.- Analgesic effect:

The ability of Cannabis Essential Oil to relieve pain is already more than known around the world. Some users claim that its effectiveness is greater than that of addictive drugs such as Morphine or other opiates. The endocannabinoid system of our own body has thousands of receptors, which allow us to take full advantage of the medicinal properties of cannabis, intensifying its effect and distributing it throughout the body.


8.- Reduce seizures caused by Parkinson’s:

In the same way that the endocannabinoid system can reduce pain, it reduces apoptosis of dopamine-producing neurons, the main cause of this disease. It is capable of stimulating the production of these cells, which is why it is not only capable of slowing down their development but is capable of fighting the disease directly. It is not yet a definitive remedy and cannot be used to eliminate this disorder, although it will reduce the severity of seizures.


9.- Skin regenerator:

One of the most commercialized items with cannabis are creams, which incorporate this oil, as it is highly hydrating and has high properties to combat pain. Homemade cannabis oil still has more properties than the oil in these creams, since in most countries where it is marketed with these creams, THC is prohibited, so it is usually isolated. Our homemade oil will have all the power of our herb, so that it will be extremely effective. Applied directly to the skin, it increases the longevity of the cells and stimulates the production of new cells, as well as having a high moisturizing and disinfecting effect. It is perfect for treating dry and very damaged skin, combating skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis, or delaying the skin’s natural aging.


10.- Able to fight autism:

The psychoactive effect that THC offers, combined with the effect caused by other less predominant cannabinoids but capable of altering its effect, are responsible for many varieties (especially Sativas) offering a slight cerebral stimulus. These strains can stimulate imagination, creativity, and even speech, which is why they are currently being studied as one of the best options to combat autism. Being able to apply it directly under the tongue allows us the possibility of offering it even to the youngest children, allowing us to combat this syndrome from its early stages.

Cannabis oil still has more properties, some known and others yet to be discovered. If you want to make your own oil, don’t miss our recipe for making marijuana oil. Used correctly, it could be one of the most widely used essential oils in medicine, although there is a long way to go unless the law changes.

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